This United Cigars Gold Star Toro LE cigar is made in Nicaragua. Outside, you'll find a Ecuadorian Habano 2000 wrapper. Inside, the binder is Indonesian Sumatra and the filler is Connecticut Broadleaf and Dominican tobacco. This is a Toro cigar with a length of 6.00 and a ring gauge of 54.
United Cigars has recently started shipping a new series in honor of the United States Navy SEALs and their families. The Gold Star Toro LE is a 6 x 54 toro extra vitola featuring an Ecuadorian habano 2000 intermedio wrapper, an Indonesian Sumatra binder, and a blend of Connecticut broadleaf and Dominican tobacco fillers.
Only 185 boxes heading to stores. However, 25 boxes have been set aside and signed by active and retired Navy SEALs to be auctioned off for charity, benefiting the Navy Seal Museum Trident House Charities and Swim With A Mission (SWAM). Oliver Nivaud, director of operations for United Cigars, expressed his enthusiasm for the project, stating In a press release, Oliver Nivaud, director of operations for United Cigars, announced the introduction of the Gold Star limited edition - a product fueled by passion and purpose. This project reflects our dedication to creating exceptional cigars and supporting organizations that honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice while serving our country. We are excited to share this special release with our valued customers.
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