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Cigars have played a major role in shaping American history, symbolizing moments of relaxation, celebration, and even power. It's fascinating to note that some of the country's leaders were cigar...
Smelling a cigar may appear to be a mere physical action but it plays a vital role in evaluating the quality of the cigar. Interestingly, the aroma of a cigar...
For those who appreciate cigars, the world of cigars is a realm filled with intricacy, rich history, and delightful indulgence. As soon as you hold a cigar in your hand,...
Cigars and booze go together so well that, instead of pairing up smoke and a drink, some romantic cigar makers have gone so far as to simply marry the two...
The name “Lost & Found” will look familiar to those who follow our new inventory. We’ve found Robert Caldwell’s series to be a fun way to experience cigars, and our...
Top Blends from One of the World’s Most Sought-After Tobacco Men Abdel J. Fernandez is now a master of Nicaraguan tobacco and blends, but he was born in one of...
Around ten years ago, Steve Saka connected with the smoking public and participated in this “Ask Me Anything thread (also known as an “AMA”) on Reddit. Unlike the usual brief...
On this site, we make much ado about 90+ rated cigars. They’re generally the cream of the crop. But they’re not the be-all and end-all of cigars. Hell, our dads...
In the ever-evolving world of cigar aficionados and connoisseurs, the appreciation for a finely crafted cigar goes beyond the draw and flavor and is also about cultivation. While regions and...