The cigar world offers a dizzying array of options. And what makes it even crazier is that new ones keep coming out all the time! Hot blends, trendy companies, and historic brands… it’s enough to make you throw up your hands and just order your good old go-to cigar, right?
The Cigars Direct Cigar of the Month Club to the rescue!
Each month, you’ll get five premium cigars hand-picked by our experts to showcase:
1 world-class smoke 2 highly recommended hot blends, and 2 consistent best buys
This gives you a chance to enjoy 5 great smokes from a few different types of companies or cigar lines. Each type of cigar is chosen for a reason, and this ensures that you’re getting a little taste of each type of blend that people are either clamoring for, just getting into, or always recommend.
You really can’t go wrong.
The Cigar of the Month Club is an excellent way for new smokers to explore some of the best blends on the market, and for more seasoned smoke hounds to branch out and try a few new stogies each month. There’s truly something for everybody here. If you want to become a really knowledgeable cigar aficionado, this is a fun way to accumulate that experience and knowledge.
There’s also a huge additional benefit to anyone who is an active member of the club: a 10% discount on all cigars purchased! This means that you’re always getting a special deal, no matter what you’re here to buy. It’s a pretty sweet bonus for anyone who likes great cigars at great prices.
First-timers who sign up for 6 or 12-month memberships also get an extra sweet first shipment: 8 cigars with a value of $100. That gets you started off nicely and will take you through each weekend of the month with a cigar for Saturday and Sunday if that’s your style. You’ll always have that primo stogie ready to go. And if you find a blend you’re not that into, next month’s shipment is right around the corner with 5 new blends to keep things interesting.
The Cigars Direct Cigar of the Month Club: your personal cigar shoppers are waiting!