The 92-rated, #20 cigar of 2016 on Cigar Aficionado’s Top 25 list!
For lots of premium cigars nowadays, the focus is heavily on strength. People want a lot from their expensive stogies, and lots of companies are trying to give it to them, putting their cigars in fifth gear and stamping the pedal to the floor. The A.J. Fernandez Enclave cigar is a little more old school, opting to put flavor first and pull back on the strength a touch. It’s the work in part of A.J.’s father Ismael, and it draws inspiration from the old school ways of Native American “enclaves.”
As the company explains, an enclave is a culturally or ethnically distinct territory within a larger area populated by others who are different. In the modern era, Natives often live in enclaves, but if we remember back to the time of original contact with Europeans, they once controlled nearly all of the Americas. And of course, it was they who introduced tobacco to the world! It’s crazy to think of a time before cigars, but it wasn’t that long ago in the big scheme of things. Several hundred years ago, the only tobacco to be found was in the pipes of Native Americans, and this cigar gives them their due.
Underneath the fantastic Ecuadorian Habano Rosado wrapper lies a blend that includes a genuine Cameroon binder and Nicaraguan long-fillers (like Piloto Cubano). The flavors will take you back to the past: earth, bread, carob chips, and coffee. It’s a different kind of cigar for a different kind of time.
Please browse our selection of A.J. Fernandez Enclave Habano Rosado cigars at your leisure.
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