Arturo Fuente is the legendary Dominican cigar-producing family that makes some of the most distinctive labels on the planet. Cigar lovers seek high and low for rare Fuente stogies like the Forbidden X or Anejo that they are willing to pay extra for, to enjoy under very special circumstances. But cigar lovers also want affordable lines of quality cigars that can serve as their go-to favorites any time, at the end of the work day, out on the golf course or lake with friends, or to enjoy whenever the mood strikes. The bread and butter, every day line from Carlos and Carlitos Fuente is named in honor of the legendary, respected family patriarch, Arturo Fuente.
These popular best sellers are very affordable, but here’s something worth knowing – they boast many of the same varieties of tobaccos used in some of Fuente’s finest, priciest offerings! Flavor connoisseurs might be surprised how little drop-off there is in flavor from some of the most renowned lines. Novices and moderate partakers may not be able to distinguish them! The reason is that the fertile, virile soils of the Dominican Republic produce a consistently high quality of tobaccos, especially when top-quality Cuban Ligero seed is used to give it birth. Put these leaves into the hands of the cigar rollers who take their craft very seriously and the result is a very tasty smoke that offers excellent construction and burn.
The varieties offered in the Arturo Fuente line of cigars, means you are sure to find a wrapper and a vitola that fits your style just right. In fact, you’ll probably discover several, so you can stock your humidor with a splendid variety that gives you a range of choices in which there is no bad selection. The Connecticut wrapper produces a mild to medium-bodied smoking experience that delivers smooth, leathery flavors with a rich backdrop of chocolate-laced coffee. Opt for an African Cameroon wrapper over select Dominican leaves and bump up the intensity a little bit, with more spice, a headier aroma, and a stronger finish. To complete the choices, a Maduro wrapper gives a darker look, but also a darker, richer texture on the palate, more complex and highlighted by chocolate undertones.
Looking for a fresh supply of affordable stogies you can enjoy alone or feel good about passing out to friends? Look no further than this flavorful, highly respected line bearing the imprimatur of a cigar legend!