Some brands just give off this classy, luxury vibe that newcomers struggle to match. A lot of them are one-name companies, and a lot of them are Cuban, like Cohiba, Montecristo, and Macanudo. But of all the US-market cigars, the Ashton name is one of the highest-regarded and most universally adored. An Ashton Cigar Sampler 5-pack isn’t full of edgy, controversial cigars. They’re smooth, elegant, classic cigars that appeal to novices and veteran smokers alike.
Ashton cigars are a lot of folks' first-ever cigars, but they make plenty of desert-island lists, too.
These beauties are made by the folks at Arturo Fuente, in close collaboration with the Levin family that founded Ashton cigars. Combine Ashton's understated elegance with the Fuente's knack for premium tobacco and inventive Dominican blends, and you've got classic 5-packs of cigars that are worth their weight in gold.
But, their weight in gold is close to what you'll have to pay for the luxury of smoking Ashton cigars, it seems. The cheapest one will run you nine bucks a stick. They're worth every penny and they don't get much more expensive than that – you won't find any $20 cigars in the Ashton lineup, unlike some other big-name brands.
Ashton is one of the most dependable, consistent brands out there. Once you find an Ashton Cigar Sampler that you love – and you will – the cigar will deliver that same awesome experience whenever you pick one up. That's why they're so classic.
That's why a 5-pack Ashton Cigar Sampler is the perfect way to explore the brand. Not every cigar will win over your heart, and wallet, after one smoke. A 5-pack gives you enough cigars to get to know a blend – to learn its nuances and discover whether these cigars will work for the long haul. But, if you get bored after a 5-pack of cigars, or are still unconvinced, then move on to another to find the perfect cigars for your palate.
Which Ashton Cigar Sampler should you start with? It depends on your preferences, experience level, and what you're looking for. The Ashton ESG, VSG, and Symmetry cigars are ultra-premium Ashton cigars that might just be the best cigars you've ever smoked. But the Ashton Classic and Ashton Aged Maduro cigars are timeless cigars that are more likely to become your go-to, anytime cigars. They're also better options for newer smokers looking to buy their first 5-pack of Ashton cigars.
Honestly, Ashton cigars are so classic and dependable that you really can't go wrong.
Please browse our selection at your leisure to find a suitable Ashton Cigar Sampler.