We're not gonna lie, we get pretty excited when we see Ashton cigars for sale. These Dominican beauties are some of the smoothest, tastiest cigars on the market. Unless you're in the mood for something spicy and Nicaraguan, and Ashton will never disappoint.
Partly that's because each and every one of AshtonCigars forSale are made by Arturo Fuente in the Dominican Republic, using Chateau Fuente tobacco and Carlos “Carlito” Fuente's expertise. That’s some of the best tobacco in the world rolled up by one of the best blenders in the world.
Even though Ashton cigars have only been for sale since the 1980s, Ashton cigars smoke like classics that have been made for generations.
Take the Ashton Classic series of cigars. These Ashton cigars are iconic Dominican blends, like the cigars that dominated store shelves in the decades after the Cuban revolution. Mild and nutty, with flavors of coffee, cream, almonds, and cedar, these Ashton cigars are as dependable and versatile as they come. Gorgeously aged Dominican long-fillers and a genuine Connecticut shade wrapper mean that these Ashton cigars never trade complexity for smoothness. And they pack a decent nicotine punch: like a boxer with silk gloves.
Not that you can't find more adventurous AshtonCigars forSale.
Ashton Estate Sun Grown cigars feature an oily Dominican sun-grown wrapper courtesy of Chateau Fuente. That wrapper might sound familiar to fans of Arturo Fuente cigars. It's the wrapper varietal behind the OpusX: one of the most sought-after, legendary cigars for sale (when it's for sale – it is shockingly rare). We won't say that Ashton ESG cigars are the OpusX in disguise, that would be telling. But we will say that they are damn good cigars and the strongest Ashton cigars around.
And in classic Ashton style, these cigars sacrifice none of their smoothness and balance for their astonishing strength. Full-bodied and full-flavored, these cigars lack any of the rough edges that mar many powerhouse cigars. Intense leather, earth, wood, and spice notes are balanced by sweet cream and toasted almonds. As good as they come.
If you demand Nicaraguan spice in your cigars, then opt for Ashton Symmetry cigars when you find them for sale. These cigars use only tobacco grown by the Fuentes, but this time that includes their Nicaraguan estate “Un Buen Vecino”, plus a gorgeous Ecuadorian Habano wrapper. Oh, and these Ashton cigars made Cigar Aficionado's list of Top 10 cigars of the year twice in the last decade. Hot cinnamon, sweet black cherry, coffee, vanilla, and – of course – almonds make for one of the most complex and delicious cigars in the world.
Please browse our selection of Ashton Cigars for Sale at your leisure.