Premium cigars are all about great, handmade craftsmanship. They're not nicotine-delivery devices, they're luxury indulgences full of flavor, balance, and mystique.
There's also something very satisfying and meaningful about good handmade cigars. They remind us of meaningful moments in our lives, good times with good people, and strong drinks. And when it comes to luxury stogies, it’s hard to beat Ashton handmade cigars.
Ashton cigars are handmade in the Dominican Republic by Arturo Fuente. The Fuentes have been making handmade cigars since 1912 – and making Ashton cigars since Ashton was founded in 1985 – so they know their stuff.
And the handmade expertise shows in premium Ashton cigars like the Ashton Symmetry. The Ashton Symmetry is unique among Ashton cigars because it is the only one to use Nicaraguan tobacco. The Nicaraguan long-fillers add big pepper notes that you won't find in any other Ashton products. Like, a lot of pepper: red, black, white, you name it. There's spicy cinnamon to heat things up too, and the first few puffs are a hell of a lot stronger than fans of Ashton cigars are used to. But these are well-balanced, handmade cigars, and the Dominican fillers, binder, and wrapper come in to save your tingling palate before long. Creamy flavors of coffee, chocolate, leather, and cherry tame the fire and lead to a thoroughly pleasant smoke.
The quality of Ashton handmade cigars is just as evident in the Ashton Heritage Puro Sol, particularly in the Belicoso. These elegant cigars taper at the triple-seamed cap, demonstrating the skill required to roll handmade cigars and allowing you to control the openness of the draw. The Ashton Heritage Puro Sol Belicoso also got a full 94 points from Cigar Aficionado, so you don't have to take our word for it that it is one of the best handmade cigars on the market.
The Ashton Heritage Puro Sol is also another unusual entry in the Ashton lineup. Every single tobacco is grown in the heat of the sun, gaining richness and strength. It’s a supremely balanced medium-strength handmade. That's partly thanks to the gorgeous and mellow genuine Cameroon wrapper that Ashton used for this cigar. These African leaves are as rare and expensive as they are delicious. They're also notoriously fragile and difficult to roll correctly. So let's take a moment to thank the rollers for presenting us with this beauty before lighting up this Ashton cigar. When we do, we're rewarded with rich flavors of leather, coffee, chocolate, cardamom, and cinnamon. Yum!
Time and again, Ashton proves that no one does handmade cigars quite like Ashton cigars.
Please browse our selection of Ashton handmade cigars at your leisure.