Asylum Schizo Maduro cigars are a great bundle of sticks blended by former Camacho Cigar president Christian Eiroa. With seemingly endless 90+ rated blends under his belt, a number of which Cigar Aficionado named a Top 25 Cigar of the Year, it’s pretty clear when Eiroa’s blending skills are in the mix, magical things happen. This even holds up when it comes to an everyday smoke like the Asylum Schizo Maduro cigar.
Utilizing a Cuban sandwich filler blend is one-way Asylum keeps these mouth-watering Maduros priced so low. With the Asylum Schizo Maduro, this technique uses a mix of short and long-filler tobaccos from Nicaragua and Honduras to create a middle ground between premium hand rolled long filler cigars and those dubbed “factory-style.” But don’t let this fool you into thinking the Asylum Schizo Maduro cigar is “less than” pure long filler sticks. In fact, many claim they can’t tell the difference. “It’s a short filler smoke that thinks it’s a long-filler cigar,” according to Kevin Baxter, co-owner of Asylum.
Holding this tobacco sandwich together is a choice Nicaraguan binder and a dark San Andrés Maduro wrapper. The outcome is a medium-strength cigar that delivers baker’s chocolate, oak, and spice flavors. Top shelf flavor, aroma, construction, and performance for a price so low you’ll do a double-take—this one is an obvious choice for novice and seasoned smokers in the market for a great everyday cigar.
Please browse our selection of Asylum Schizo Maduro cigars at your leisure.