30 years before the release of the Avo 30 Years Maduro cigar, Avo Uvezian was still a musician. It wasn’t until he had an entire career in the music industry that he started exploring cigars. After forming a partnership with Henrik “Henke” Kelner, Davidoff’s lead blender in the Dominican Republic, the Avo line was born.
The line grew and became a success, and so was eventually sold to Davidoff. Many lines were eventually trimmed to focus production on the best of the best. One of these was a Maduro offering, but the Avo 30 Years Maduro cigar is a revival of the blend. Old Avo, may he rest in peace, has since passed on, but his blends are still alive and well.
The cigar is part of the Avo Improvisation series of special releases, which take established Avo blends each year and find an interesting way to change or improve them. Fans of Avo cigars will recognize this smoke as a classic – one of the first from the company. It features the signature blend of Dominican long-filler, along with the rich Connecticut broadleaf wrapper that the Avo Maduro has sported since the beginning.
The Avo 30 Years Maduro cigar is a satisfying, humble puff. You’ll get a traditional note of black pepper, followed up by a mild mix of creamy malt and barnyard. It’s a well-behaved stick, without a ton of complexity and craziness that many blends on the market display nowadays. Instead, it’s a straightforward smoke and an honest Maduro for those times when you just need a simple cigar without all the fanfare.
This style of special edition smoke did so well that the brand actually revived it for regular production once again as the Avo Classic Maduro. Riding on the strength of a 3-year aged wrapper, this one is back and here to stay.
Please browse our selection of Avo 30 Years Maduro cigars at your leisure.