The current version of Balmoral cigars is relatively new to the cigar world, but rest assured that it results from four generations of working with premium tobacco. In fact, we are currently in the 4th generation where two brothers who soaked up the previous generations' knowledge are running the company. These brothers are responsible for the incredible Balmoral Añejo lines, which include Balmoral Añejo XO cigars. Agio acquired Balmoral in 1983. In 1990 they opened a factory in the Dominican Republic for Agio's premium cigar production, of which Balmoral cigars are a part.
Balmoral Añejo XO cigars use an aged Brazilian sun-grown Arapiraca wrapper with a mild strength yet strong finish. Beneath this leaf is a Dominican Olor binder holding a well-balanced blend of Dominican, Brazilian, and Nicaraguan long-fillers.
The bands on Balmoral Añejo XO cigars are grey, white, and bold with a stately looking B. The wrapper is firm to touch and has some oil but nothing major. There are one or two larger-looking veins though we don’t see them giving us much trouble. Other than that, everything looks great. Let’s check out the aroma.
The pre-light wrapper aroma is cedar and herbal notes. On the cold draw, we tasted cedar and chocolate. The first third delivered bold pepper, cedar, earth, and spice. We picked up some tasty cinnamon and coffee during the second third, and an acceleration of the pepper. The other flavors were still there, just muted. As we moved through the final third, the cedar pulled ahead of the pepper.
This medium-full strength cigar was excellent from start to finish with a balanced profile and flavors that were layered, leaving us with a pleasant taste on the tongue that we only wish loitered longer.
Please enjoy Balmoral Añejo XO cigars at your leisure.