The Oliva cigar family can trace their cigar-making roots back to 1886. They’ve survived numerous hardships along the way, including three revolutions. The ability to pivot and adapt is something seen in many successful businesses.
While they are indeed devoted to traditional cigar-making processes, the Olivas are not afraid to remain fluid and create products that appeal to newer generations. The Cain cigar line from Oliva demonstrates this by providing consumers robust sticks full of body and flavor while keeping them below the harsh register through a triple-fermentation process for the tobaccos.
Cain Daytona cigars are Nicaraguan puros that adhere to the 100% Ligero formula used in the original Cain blend, but the Daytona only uses Ligero from Nicaragua’s Jalapa region, which produces a smoother leaf. With the Ligero all in place, a Habano wrapper covers everything up. This leaf is toothy with a veiny rustic look that adds a historic vibe to the cigar.
On the cold draw, we’re picking up hazelnut and chocolate. We get one of our Cain Daytona cigars burning, and it’s all about the chewy smoke. The texture here is incredible. We’re tasting rich tobacco, pepper, and sweetness. However, we should mention that the pepper is mild, and so far, this stogie is living up to its smooth reputation. The second third introduces us to citrus and chocolate. The cigar wraps up with the pepper speeding up a bit, but not too much. There is also a leather note floating somewhere behind it.
Cain Daytona cigars are rich, hearty, and smooth with an excellent balance. These medium strength sticks bring the flavor while keeping things calmer than other Cain blends.