Once upon a time in Honduras, there was a special smoke: the Camacho Diploma cigar.
Over the years, the cigar gained popularity. It was lit up, smoked, and enjoyed by thousands. Even a well-liked product, however, can be discontinued. Sadly, the Diploma disappeared. It was tragic. In product terms, it was dead and buried.
But several years later, new ownership (Davidoff of Geneva) started reviewing the Camacho cigars brand portfolio to see if anything had been overlooked, and the Original Diploma cigar was rediscovered. The cigar was relaunched in 2015 to the delight of fans.
Camacho’s five best torcedores (cigar rollers) use hand-selected leaves to ensure high quality construction. The Camacho Original Diploma cigar is made from all Honduran Corojo tobacco leaves (specifically high primings that give the cigar its strength). The smoke is medium to full-bodied, offering flavors of pepper, oaky wood, cacao, and lemon. Sound like a crazy cocktail? That’s Camacho – potent flavors that wake you right up.
The story doesn’t end there, however. The Diploma died again after that, and Camacho realized what they had on their hands: a vampire cigar that would die and rise again every other year or two. Finally, it was clear what they were dealing with. Now, with fresh packaging to honor the true nature of the Camacho Original Diploma cigar, everything is on track.
The Diploma Back comes back from the grave in a large coffin-shaped box. Lift the lid, and you’ll find 18 individually-packed cigars inside in triangular sleeves. Slide the outer packaging away, and you’ll find an original Camacho Diploma cigar lying inside, waiting to be awakened.
Dare you light up this zombie cigar that has absolutely nothing to do with diplomas or diplomats? If you do, you’re in for a treat.
Please browse our selection of Original Camacho Diploma cigars at your leisure.