Many cigar makers have tried to replicate the CAO Brazilia without success. This premium-quality cigar from renowned maker CAO has no match. Perhaps it is the marriage of the legendary Nicaraguan filler with the perfectly aged Bahia Brazilian wrapper that makes the Brazilia such a standout.
The acquisition of this tasty moist wrapper leaf was a bit of a coup in the development stage of these cigars. CAO began creating the Brazilia at the end of the cigar boom when good wrappers where at a premium. At the same time, the Brazilian tobacco crop was facing some quality issues. However, they found the Bahias accidently and knew it was pay dirt. That fortuitous find was the finishing touch on what was already promising to be an exceptional cigar.
Whatever the origin of the uniquely medium to full bodied flavor, revelation awaits when you light one of these cigars. The CAO Brazilia is dark, spicy, and rich. The wonderful Bahia wrapper contributes to a long lasting somewhat earthy finish that never grows harsh as you near the end.
The CAO Brazilia is an affordable addition to the fuller bodied section of the humidor. Experienced cigar smokers will never be disappointed with its complex and intriguing taste. The newer smoker may find it a bit strong at first. With more exposure to this range of robust cigars, he or she will find more to appreciate in it.
The diminutive 4.00 X 38 CAO Brazilia Cariocas makes a nice introduction to those unacquainted with the rich flavors encountered in a CAO Brazilia for less than $2 apiece. The beefier 50 to 60 ring sizes are just the right size when you’re relaxing in your favorite chair, feet up, and enjoying the potable and conversation of your choice. Others have tried to copy the Brazilia but only the authentic one will do.