These Cavalier Genève Small Batch cigars are an absolute matter of destiny. The company owner, Swiss entrepreneur Sebastian Decoppet, went into cigars on a total leap of faith. Without even knowing Spanish, he dropped his office job at the age of 22 and struck out to Latin America, determined to turn his love of cigars into something more. He wound up falling into the arms of the Plasencias, who told him that if he wanted to learn tobacco and cigars, he could work with them.
Simple, right? Just knock on the door of the biggest cigar tobacco grower in the world and they might let you in!
Now that he has a company all his own, he can explore blends through these Cavalier Genève Small Batch cigar releases. Every six months, a new Cavalier Genève Small Batch cigar comes out with various lines in sizes only the most skilled rollers can execute. To ensure an “absolutely incomparable experience,” these cigars are only produced in extremely limited quantities.
This ain’t taking the industry by storm – it’s quietly working in your own corner of the room, confident in the result of dedicating yourself to a quality smoke.
Cavalier Genève recently added a Salomone size to its small-batch Black II line, which joins the Black II Lancero. The Cavalier Genève White Series also offers Lancero and Salomone sizes. The USA Exclusive comes in a Petit Corona and is the only regional exclusive stick in the category. These blends definitely can raise an eyebrow or two after you get them lit up. Keep your eye on this brand. We’re betting they’ve got a truly great cigar in their future, and then everyone will know about that gold foil diamond you find on every stick.
Please browse our selection of Cavalier Genève Small Batch cigars at your leisure.