In 2023, Epic Cigars teamed up with actor Chazz Palminteri to launch a special cigar in honor of his iconic movie, A Bronx Tale. Building upon its triumph, they are now introducing a new, ongoing line called A Bronx Tale Calogero.
This cigar pays tribute to Palminteri's grandfather, Calogero, an immigrant from Sicily who came to America in 1908 in search of a better life. The original release featured a heartfelt dedication to Calogero in every box, showcasing his journey and admiration for family, wine, and cigars.
A Bronx Tale Calogero maintains the same blend as its predecessor, with an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper, Dominican binder, and a blend of Dominican and Nicaraguan fillers. It continues to be handcrafted by Tabacalera Von Eicken S.R.L. in the Dominican Republic, in collaboration with Paul DiSilvio of La Casa Grande Tobacco Co.
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