Cigar humidor gifts are often the perfect present for the cigar lover in your life. While they’re often busy purchasing cigars for themselves, a humidor isn’t always something they’re focused on. In fact, it can sometimes be an afterthought. But cigar humidor gifts offer a chance to finally help someone upgrade and enjoy a piece that is far more than just storage for cigars – it can be a true work of art.
Cigar humidor gifts come in a number of shapes and sizes, with lots of different capacities. The smaller ones are known as travel humidors, and are meant to store a small number of cigars while a person is on a trip, or perhaps wants to bring cigars to an office or meeting where cigars would be appropriate. These are meant to be compact, but still deliver the main features of a true humidor: humidification and protection.
That’s what makes a humidor a humidor. It’s right in the name!
Humidifiers in our cigar humidor gifts typically are self-regulating, which means that they maintain the desired humidity level of about 70% by taking in or giving off moisture as appropriate. This keeps cigars well preserved and at just the right humidity level for long-term storage and aging. The level can be checked using hygrometers, which show the percentage of humidity in the air of the humidor.
The interior of cigar humidor gifts is typically high-quality Spanish cedar lining, with dividers and sometimes trays to keep certain types of cigars separate. Many cigar aficionados will separate dark Maduro's from light Connecticut's, and a little bit of organization keeps everything tidy.
There are also larger cigar humidor gifts available for those who have 50 or more cigars to store. If you’re buying a gift for someone fairly new to the hobby, 50 should be adequate. For those who have more cigars to store, a 100-count humidor or even a countertop humidor could be right. It all depends on how much storage capacity is needed. For cigar lovers with big collections, there’s never enough humidor capacity, it seems.
Humidors come in a variety of styles to suit different tastes. Some are simply branded with a popular cigar company’s logo or other imagery, with our Arturo Fuente or My Father humidors. Others come from our art collection, which features a number of different themes, from street graffiti to historical cigar icons, to simple minimalist colors and styles. Whichever of our cigar humidor gifts seems best for your recipient, you can rely on the fact that these humidors are meant to be showcased, not hidden away. They look fantastic on desks and in lounges, and can really enhance your cigar lover’s favorite smoke spot.
Please browse our selection of cigar humidor gifts at your leisure.