One of the big challenges with cigars is figuring out which cigars to buy and which cigar to smoke next. But settling on just one cigar is nearly impossible, and for that reason, cigar samplers from $25-50 are here to give you an easy way to get an assortment pack of cigars from a premium brand without having to go crazy researching individual cigars.
Many of our cigar samplers from twenty-five to fifty dollars are issued by a single cigar company brand. Instead of being a collection of cigars from a variety of brands, you get to pick a company that you like and simply explore their different cigar blends. If you’ve already got a cigar company that you’re really into, it’s easy to use a cigar sampler to try out a few of their other lines that incorporate different kinds of tobacco than you’re used to. And, if there’s a cigar company you’ve been meaning to try out, this lets you get an assortment of cigars that includes a few blends and experience a bit of the range that the brand has to offer.
You probably already have a sense of which types of cigars you enjoy. Samplers are about branching out.
Now, there are a lot of ways to branch out. As we said, cigars are kind of a ridiculous industry when it comes to variety, much like whiskey, wine, or other luxuries. With that in mind, you’ve got some choices. There are 25-50 dollar cigars samplers built around certain wrapper types, like Maduro or Connecticut. There are some cigar samplers built on sizing variety, that include some big and some small cigars so you can experience unfamiliar smoking formats and see how you like them. Other samplers are created to showcase an assortment of the best highly-rated cigars from a brand that has earned top reviews.
Then there are the flavor samplers to think of! Please don’t sleep on these cigars. If you’ve been wondering about flavored cigars, but have felt like it’s too risky to actually pull the trigger on a particular kind, our cigar samplers from $25-50 feature an assortment of packs that include a number of the best tastes. You’ll probably find several of these from Drew Estate and you can also pick up the always-famous CAO flavours sampler pack (it’s not a typo: they spell “flavours” the British way, and so we let them name their products however they like in an effort to keep up our supply of those addictive Eileen’s Dream Irish cream flavor cigars).
You’ll also find cigars samplers for around 25 to 50 dollars from brands like Rocky Patel, Padrón, Alec Bradley, Perdomo, and more. It’s a good group with an assortment of very decent cigars tucked away in each pack. With these cigar samplers, you get a pretty good mix of high-quality cigars and value lines from some of the best cigar brands in the world. The next time you decide you’ve heard enough about a brand and are ready to try the damn things already just to get everyone to shut up, head to the cigar samplers section and grab one of that company’s packs.
That way, you can decide for yourself if everyone is just high on hype.
Please browse our selection of cigar samplers from $25-50 at your leisure.