Simply fantastic. The cigar samplers from $75 to $100 feature a collection of some of the best samplers of cigars you can find on our site. These are samplers of exquisite handmade premium cigars from the top cigar brands in the world. Browse around and you’ll see luxury cigar packs from cigar companies Padrón, Tatuaje, Drew Estate, Alec Bradley, Nub, Oliva, Diesel, Gurkha, and more.
Cigar samplers in this group aren’t just random assortments from these companies, but really represent some of the very best cigars they have to offer. We’ve seen Padrón cigar samplers built around the Cigar Aficionado Cigar of the Year-winning 1926 Anniversary blend. We’ve stocked Drew Estate Liga cigar samplers that showcase why that cigar collection is so popular. And we’ve had an inventory of Alec Bradley’s Premium Plus, which includes the best top-rated cigars that the company has ever produced.
It’s samplers of the good stuff. The really good stuff.
As you go up in price, the sampler variety tends to decline as the cigars with the best reviews tend to have a number of qualities in common. One of them is strength. The world’s biggest cigar smoke hounds often are given the highest honors and top ratings for full-strength cigars. As a result, a lot of the cigar samplers over $75 include an assortment of cigars at full strength. You can still get samplers in a few different shapes and sizes, from the short and fat nub to the longer, more skinny Lancero. As for tobacco, many of the best cigar samplers feature a good quantity of Nicaraguan leaf in their blends, although you may find tobaccos from the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, or perhaps even our own familiar state of Connecticut right here in the ol’ US of A.
Selecting a cigar sampler from this category between $75-$100 also requires a consideration of the reason for purchase. Cigar samplers are an outstanding way to experience a collection of the best cigars a brand makes. If you enjoy Tatuaje, Oliva, or any of the other cigar makers here in this category, picking up a sampler gives you a chance to enjoy their finest cigars. Instead of being a representation of a number of cigar brands, these samplers are more like brand showcases that allow you to explore a particular cigar maker or even a cigar line more fully. This could mean getting a great lineup of cigars in a number of shapes and sizes, or just getting a cigar sampler containing a variety of lines that a company rolls.
For that reason, these cigar samplers also make impressive gifts.
If you’ve got a friend, business contact (or husband, or father, or whoever) who likes a particular brand, a cigar sampler from the seventy-five to a hundred dollar group is the type of gift that lets you spoil him/her a little. These might not be the kind of gift cigars that everyone feels comfortable buying for themselves, but when the proverbial gift horse of a cigar sampler is plopped in your lap, you can’t look it in the mouth. In addition, at this price range, gift samplers often come in their own decently fancy box, so they look mighty fine when being unwrapped.
Hell, we’re almost talking ourselves into sending these cigars as gifts to our own addresses just for the fun of it.
Want the same experience? Please browse our selection of cigar samplers from $75-100 at your leisure.