In the market for an absolutely killer cigar? Our cigars between $25 and $50 include several rare and amazing blends. Now, when a cigar maker decides how to price a cigar, the main question is usually whether the cigar will be under or over ten dollars (perhaps fifteen if it’s of exceptional quality or there’s some other reason to price it highly). When the conversation turns to whether the cigar is more than twenty or even thirty dollars, we’re getting into the very uncommon territory:
Arturo Fuente OpusX limited editions, or the Don Carlos Eye of the Shark. The 96-rated Cigar Aficionado Cigar of the Year Winner in 2016, La Flor Dominicana’s Andalusian Bull. Padrón special releases
These are the tobaccos and cigars that can justify pricing like that.
Much of what we smoke comes from big tobacco crops destined for the mainstream marketplace. But sometimes a cigar company or grower has an aging vault with a limited quantity of special leaf. It might be raised from a hard-to-get seed. It may have spent many years aging using an experimental method. It may simply be from a crop year that was much sought-after. Or, as happens from time to time, it may just be a cigar made with really fine tobacco to celebrate a very special occasion for a cigar company.
$25-50 cigars have many stories behind them, but the basic idea is that they are unique cigars. You shouldn’t be able to get another like it from any other company, really.
You’ll obviously find a bunch of five-packs here among the $25 to 50 dollar cigars, as well. These may be premium sticks and chart-toppers in their own right, like Arturo Fuente Hemingway cigars, AJ Fernandez blends, and some tasty smokes from Macanudo. You should be able to find what you need at this price. Cigars 25-50 include enough high-quality stogies to keep pretty much anyone happy. And if you can’t click your way to the right products, just let us know and we’ll get crackin’.
Please browse our cigars between $25 and $50 at your leisure.