The Cohiba Black Corona is a luxuriously attractive stick 5.50 inches long with a ring gauge of 42. It is offered in boxes of 25 cigars at a price that affordably delivers some of the finest smokes currently being made.
The Cohiba name is synonymous with everything a premium stogie ought to be. First, it features world class tobaccos. Nothing but the best Nicaraguan, Dominican and Mexican leaves are used for the filler. The binder is special too, a Dominican leaf grown from Piloto seed. Finally, the dark Maduro wrapper completes a distinctively tailored cigar. The Cohiba Black Corona demonstrates quality construction and a fine pre-light draw. When they greet the torch the aroma and smoke are very pleasing.
The sticks burn well and don't need much attention. These cigars have been aged extra long to balance and deepen the blend so that it is both powerful and full of richness. The connoisseur will find a smoke worthy of a quiet hour or so, reflecting on centuries of cigar-making prowess brought together in his hand. Enjoy a cigar that lives up to its reputation and when it's a Cohiba reputation that is truly remarkable.
- Reviews
- Questions
I love the Robusto Negras. Something is off with the smaller version. It looks like a smaller version of the Negra, but has an acrid, chemical, raw grass, taste. Spend the extra and get the larger one, and smoke it in stages if needed.
Cohiba Corona
It is a very light cigar. Not a whole lot going on with it but it would be good for somebody new to smoking cigars.
Still a good smoke
Dont get me wrong this is still one **** of a good smoke but it lacks the body of the supremo and I just dont get the same full taste. It does however burn quite smooth and has that medium taste without the spicy finish. Overall a great short smoke!
Price the Main Drawback
Pros for the Cohiba Black Corona include: It is beautiful in appearance and feel; the taste is as good as it gets; the smoke is big and fluffy; the burn is crisp. Cons for this smoke include a tight draw for first inch slight bitterness at the end. At this price I’ll keep looking for bargains and grab ‘em when I find ‘em.
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