There are a few cigar brands that have become synonymous with the countries that have brought them their success. In the Dominican Republic, Arturo Fuente is certainly one of those brands, as is La Flor Dominicana and a few others. Davidoff is undoubtedly among those at the very top of the list, producing premium Dominican smokes decade after decade that set the standard for how Dominican blends ought to be made.
In the 90s, when Zino Davidoff moved his company from Cuba to the DR, his remaining Cuban cigars were highly sought after, commanding ridiculous prices. But since then, the company’s stellar efforts and masterful blending with Dominican tobacco have turned Cuban Davidoff's into a memory that we can all comfortably let go of. And so we now have a cigar meant to showcase what the brand can do with Dominican tobacco: the Davidoff Dominicana cigar.
Davidoff Dominicana cigars combine an absolute wealth of DR leaf. It’s really a catalog of the best of the best. Starting on the inside, you’ll find spicy Corojo 99 Seco, Piloto Viso, San Vicente Mejorado Seco, San Vicente Seco, and rich Yamasá Viso. Each different growing region and soil contribute different flavors to the tobacco, leading to a wonderfully complex and multi-layered blend.
It’s like a deli sandwich with half the meats on the menu packed inside if we’re being honest!
Then we get to the showcase leaves – both hybrids. The wrapper is a Dominican known as the 257, which is an evolution of the Yamasá H-133 that was used on the Puro d’Oro blend. The other is the binder, an Ecuadorian leaf known as 151. While these may sound like top-secret military projects, we’ll just describe them as designations best left to the tobacco nerds. We’re here to smoke.
Our last note before we talk about that is that this is aged tobacco from the 2014 harvest. This stuff is mature, at the height of flavor, and ready to be smoked right out of the box.
Light up Davidoff Dominicana cigars and you’ll find a spectacularly restrained profile of dry wood, toast, white pepper… and something exotic in the finish we can’t quite place. It’s a rich Dominican smoke that offers lots of subtlety and intrigue in each draw. Be sure to retrohale this one to experience everything it has to offer.
There are very few companies that could have produced a Dominican cigar like this. If you’re a fan of DR blends, this has to go on your To Smoke list.
Please browse our selection of Davidoff Dominicana cigars at your leisure.
Bermudez is one of the oldest distilleries in the DR. They make an 1852 Aniversario rum that would be excellent on ice with maybe a lime wedge as a pairing for this cigar.