Around the time of the release of the Davidoff Millennium Blend Series cigars, Cigar Aficionado placed them on the 2004 Best Cigars of the Year list and called them “arguably the best non-Cuban Davidoffs ever made.” Decades later, the blend still offers complex and sophisticated notes that can be all over the map, honestly. Davidoff’s stogie portfolio is known for beautiful mild blends powered by Dominican long-filler, but the Millennium Blend Series takes things in a bit of a different direction. Even from the outset, this cigar used a darker wrapper and created a spicier, even funkier profile than what Davidoff is now known for.
In particular, the Davidoff Millennium Blend Series cigars combine Dominican seco and ligero long-fillers, a Dominican seco binder, and an Ecuadorian hybrid wrapper. It’s actually quite unlike other Davidoffs you may know. Once you light it up, you’ll get an earthy, spicy, and complex flavor profile that has definitely shifted over the years. What once was a blend crafted with a fancier approach, the Davidoff Millennium Blend Series is more down to earth these days. It charts in the high 80s with Cigar Aficionado and has a charm all its own.
The craziness of the passing of the new millennium has faded, and we have now entered a time that is in many ways stranger than any of us could have imagined. It’s probably time for a smoke, eh?
Please browse our selection of Davidoff Millennium Blend Series cigars at your leisure.
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