"Some people have a hobby outside their career; mine is crafting blends and concepts for DROP."
Kyle Gellis, the red-hot founder of Warped, unwinds from a long day of cigar making by… making cigars! You gotta love it. Actually, over at the DROP website, there’s more insight into what’s happening here. Running more extensive cigar operations involves a lot of planning and perhaps sometimes compromise. After all, you need to know what kind of harvests you’re working with. You can’t just create your dream blend and expect everything to work like magic when you scale it up for mass production.
So DROP cigars is a bit of an outlet if you will. It’s “hyper-limited” runs of blends that Kyle creates on his own time. He describes how he can get into a factory like Titan (El Titan de Bronze in Miami) or TABSA (Eduardo Fernández’s factory in Nicaragua) in the early hours and sit with a café con leche. There, undisturbed, he can focus on and create something precisely he wants without pushing or pulling in any other direction.
It may only be possible to do a super short run of the blend, but that’s perfectly fine for DROP cigars. That’s the whole concept. These are cigars blended to Gellis’s taste precisely and then shared in whatever quantity is possible. DROP cigars are here today for your enjoyment, gone tomorrow. They’ll be replaced by whatever is coming next. It’s an organic experience captured momentarily, like showing up at a restaurant and ordering “chef’s choice.” We leave ourselves in the hands of capable, talented tastemakers and enjoy the ride.
Kyle Gellis isn’t a kid or an upstart anymore. He’s a mature blender with an excellent palate for tobacco. And DROP cigars are his purest blends. Join him on the journey through each season of tobacco. You won’t be disappointed.
Please browse our selection of DROP cigars by Kyle Gellis of Warped at your leisure.
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