When you need a real cigar that brings potent flavor and nicotine buzz, full-strength cigar 5-packs packs offer the potent tobacco smoking experience you crave. These 5 packs feature some of our most famous and best-selling blends from the top premium cigar companies in the world. Here you’ll find packs of cigars from Aging Room, Arturo Fuente, Drew Estate, Padrón, La Flor Dominicana, Oliva, and more. You’re getting a pack of highly-rated 90+ point cigars that regularly grace the Top 25 Cigars of the Year list curated by Cigar Aficionado. These cigars offer the exquisite luxury tobacco flavor profiles that probably hooked you on really good cigars in the first place, like cedar, cocoa, almond, stone fruit, and a wealth of other tastes and aromas.
Full strength can be a tricky idea to keep straight in the cigar world because cigars have a number of dimensions that can be described as “full,” like “full-bodied” or “full flavor.” To be clear, the strength of a cigar in a pack refers to the potency of the nicotine effect you’ll feel while smoking the cigar. (Full-bodied is a reference to how the smoke feels in your mouth, and full flavor is describing how many flavors you’ll taste and how intense they will be).
Mild cigars don’t deliver as much nicotine during smoking, and so the effect and the “high,” if you will, isn’t super potent. The best full-strength cigars in these five-packs, however, build up to an effect that is a lot more noticeable. In fact, if you don’t take your time and you take big pulls of your cigar rapidly, you may quickly find yourself overloaded. It all depends on your tolerance, how big you are, and factors like that. But if you’ve ever gotten dizzy, nauseated, or had your heart race from a cigar from a pack, you’ve felt strength taking over.
Best go at a steady pace with these full-strength cigars.
A 5 pack of cigars at full strength is a good choice in a few situations.
The first is when you really want to give a new cigar brand or line a serious try. While one cigar may not be enough to form an opinion, a 5-pack should be enough. The variations from cigar to cigar will ensure that if you get an example that doesn’t display the best qualities of the blend, another cigar will bring out what’s best. This can prevent the disastrous event that occurs when you write off a much-hyped cigar because you smoke a single stick that doesn’t deliver merely because of production, build, or tobacco growing inconsistency (cigars are a natural product, after all, it can be hard to get every single one just right over thousands of rolls).
A 5 pack cigars full strength is also great for social smoking, like at a bachelor party, wedding, or camping trip. It avoids that awkward hour or so where you pull out a cigar and puff away while everyone watches you. A pack allows you to share the enjoyment, even if a few of your companions may be getting in over their heads. Just tell them to go slow so they don’t wind up yakking.
Lastly, your full-strength cigars pack makes a mighty fine gift for anyone who likes to smoke tobacco. If you know what brand or type of cigar someone enjoys, bust out a 5-pack of cigars in a gift box and finally give something they’ll truly enjoy.
Please browse our selection of full-strength cigar 5-packs at your leisure.