Gran Habano Zulu Zulu Habano
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Gran Habano Zulu Zulu Habano FAQ's
What are the flavors like?
Spice, caramel, coffee.
What’s the strength level?
Medium to Full.
Who is this cigar for?
So many people! Fans of MasPaz might become cigar smokers because they have to have the limited edition art. Fans of Gran Habano and/or spicy Nicaraguans could become huge MasPaz fans. The possibilities here are endless. And it’s all for a good cause, and everyone is a fan of that.
Will I want to smoke it to the nub?
There is little doubt that you’ll let one tasty pull get away.
What’s a good pairing with it?
Smoke Gran Habano Zulu Zulu Habano cigars with North Coast Old Stock Ale. There’s a caramel thing going on in this ale that is ideal for this stick.
What’s the best time/place to smoke this cigar?
Since proceeds from this cigar benefit orphans, why not use your smoking time to think of everything you have to be grateful for, and then continue the practice. It’s one habit that will pay you back tenfold.
Any flaws/downsides?
We had our best people on it and couldn’t find any.