A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Introducing Guns & Gars, a selection of luxurious cigars crafted for connoisseurs who value high-quality & defend their 2nd Amendment rights. The Guns & Gars 2nd Amendment Cigar Collection is a perfect mixture of opulence & patriotism, made of the finest Nicaraguan tobacco. The selection offers three distinct cigars, each with its own distinct taste & scent. First is the Connecticut, with a silk-like, sweet tip and very smooth flavor. Next, the Maduro, with hints of deep chocolate & coffee. Finally, the highlight of the collection, the barber pole cigar, presenting a combination of the Connecticut & Maduro's flavors in a gorgeous package.
At Guns & Gars, we are committed to developing cigars of the highest caliber. From carefully cultivated and conditioned tobaccos to exact rolling and finishing, we employ artisanship and precision in every step of our process. Our 2nd Amendment Cigar Collection serves to commemorate not only our craftsmanship, but also the treasured American tradition of defending liberty.
Brian Gordon is a United States Marine Veteran who has turned his passion for firearms and cigars into a thriving business. He is the owner of Tactical Society Gear & Security Inc. and Guns & Gars, both of which are highly successful ventures that cater to the tactical and firearm needs of American citizens.
Tactical Society is a company that specializes in all things tactical, ranging from tactical clothing and gear to firearms and ammunition. Brian not only sells but also manufactures firearms, including his own line of rifles under the Tactical Society brand. His knowledge and expertise in the field of firearms have made him a trusted authority among gun enthusiasts.
Brian's love for guns and passion for cigars led him to create the 2nd Amendment Cigar Collection, a unique collection of cigars that celebrates the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution. This collection has gained widespread popularity and has become a symbol of freedom and liberty.
Brian Gordon's motivation to start Tactical Society stemmed from a tragic event in his life, the murder of his brother Vernon Gordon. The incident prompted Brian to believe that all Americans should be responsible gun owners, capable of protecting themselves, family, and loved ones. He never wants anyone to experience the pain and loss that he felt after his brother's death.
Through Tactical Society and Guns & Gars, Brian has made it his mission to provide top-quality firearms and tactical gear to law-abiding citizens.