If you long for the cigars of the seventies, this may be the cigar for you.
For Joya de Nicaragua, it was a special time. The Cuban embargo had created a huge opportunity for cigar makers to satisfy America’s need for fancy tobacco. Joya was one of the first movers, quickly getting to work cultivating acres upon acres of Nicaraguan leaf, and turning it into wheels of cigars bound for the U.S. Joya was a smash success, quickly taking over the nation and becoming one of the most popular smokes around. As a best seller, it even gained the distinction of being the White House’s Official Cigar.
But that was in the olden days, or as they say in Spanish, “antaño.”
The entire company is inspired by this early era of classic Nicaraguan blends, and generally seeks to bring the best features of those smokes into the modern brand portfolio. When you smoke a Jewel of Nicragua, you always know which nation’s soil gave you the leaf. In this blend, the twist is that a popular core of excellent Nicaraguan fillers is wrapped in an Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade wrapper for the Antaño Connecticut also known as the Joya de Nicaragua Antano CT.
The smoke carries the characteristic Nica pepper note, as you might expect, but that gorgeous smooth Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper brings a rich creaminess that offers something new. The smoke is medium to full bodied, and has a similar strength. Other flavors and aromas include cedar, toast, and leather. It’s a welcome change-up to an already fine blend.
It may not be 1972 anymore, but nothing’s stopping you from kicking back and taking a trip down memory lane. Actually, something is stopping you: you need one of these stogies to fire up!