Joya de Nicaragua has been around for decades, and they’ve got a healthy lineup to pack their cigar samplers with.
Founded in 1968 by a pair of Cuban refugees, Joya de Nicaragua was uniquely poised to fill the U.S. cigar “vacuum” created by the embargo on Cuban cigars. Joya, which was then known as the “Nicaragua Cigar Company”, set up a shop in the city of Estelí. Back then, Estelí was only just getting started as a cigar town. Now, famous brands like My Father, Drew Estate, and Padrón, (among many others) call Estelí home. It’s at the center of the modern Nicaraguan cigar trade.
Joya de Nicaragua cigar samplers are filled with blends that feature tobacco grown in the nutrient-rich soil of Momotombo, the nation’s iconic volcano. Volcanic soil is prized for its ability to bring high-def flavor to tobacco, and so Nicaraguan leaf is more popular than ever.
In addition to good soil and growing conditions, Nicaragua boasts three different main growing regions. Each region specializes in different types and strengths of tobacco leaf. From day one, Joya was able to use this diversity to emulate the most popular cigars of Cuba, carving out a place for themselves as a real player in the cigar game. Eventually, Joya even became the official Cigar of the White House during the Nixon years.
The key to many of the cigars you’ll find in Joya de Nicaragua cigar samplers is pure, sun-grown tobacco. But again, it’s the variety of local tobacco strains that make the Nicaraguan cigar as popular as it is. That’s certainly why the Antaño, Hoya’s flagship smoke, is as popular as it is.
Not only has Joya been able to create a full lineup of classic cigars that perfectly emulate their Cuban predecessors, but they also manage to exceed real Cubans on more than one occasion. In fact, in the last few years, Joya de Nicaragua has managed to attract a new generation of cigar smokers. These new loyalists are drawn in by new, innovative products.
The Joya Cabinetta is one such example. It’s a stick that uses two different wrappers, Nicaraguan and Ecuadorian, to create an almost creamy mellowness that traditional varieties rarely display. Or the Joya Silver, which adds in a binder of Mexican San Andrés tobacco for a 3-variety stick that is simply more interesting than the average puro. If you get a Joya de Nicaragua cigar sampler, look for fresh blends like these to get a feel for the direction the company is taking these days.
There’s also a premium end to the Joya lineup that should not be missed. Experienced connoisseurs will appreciate the Obras Maestras series. These ultra-premium cigars are what you can expect to find in the humidors of people who love a really fine smoke. The Cuatro Cinco, made with white wine oak-aged fillers is one example, as is the Numero Uno, with a smoke profile that Joya defines as “masterful creaminess.”
Without a doubt, Joya de Nicaragua will likely be keeping its seat at the top of the list of high-quality Nicaraguan cigars. But what’s really exciting is seeing what’s in store for Joya’s future, as they continue to explore new flavors while maintaining the quality of their old classics.
Please enjoy our selection of Joya de Nicaragua cigar samplers at your leisure.
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