From time to time, cigar makers love to release special edition cigars to experiment, showcase interesting tobaccos, and display a refreshing bit of flair in an industry so married to tradition. La Flor Dominicana Limited Production cigars definitely fit the bill, with striking designs that make our humidors just a bit more colorful.
If you’re wondering what all the names and lines are about, the real answer is simple: it was a legal battle. Way back in 2003, a company known as Old Battleground Cigars started making a cigar known as the “Mysterioso.” As fate would have it, La Flor Dominicana also brainstormed up a similar name for one of its Limited Edition cigars: a double perfecto with a “bee-hive” cap and a maduro foot that they called the “Mysterio.” That might not have been an issue if they hadn’t turned it into the La Flor Dominicana “Mysterioso” cigar in 2013, which featured a strip of Ecuadoran Connecticut for contrast against the Connecticut broadleaf oscuro wrapper covering the rest of the cigar. A lovely smoke, but Old Battleground was not a fan. One lawsuit later, and we have a new cigar, the La Flor Dominicana TCFKM (aka, “The Cigar Formerly Known As M”). This one is rolled into a special perfecto-style shape with a striking Ecuadorian Sumatra-seed wrapper, tremendously rich flavor, and most importantly, no other claimants to the name.
Legal battles aside, there are a few other La Flor Dominicana Limited Edition cigars we’ve enjoyed. The visually engaging La Flor Dominicana Salomón Especial has Nicaraguan sun grown habano and Ecuadorian Connecticut highlights, along with a spicy kick we just can’t resist. And the La Flor Dominicana Capitulo II offers Dominican long-fillers, Brazilian Habano leaf, and one of the finest Nicaraguan Colorado wrappers we’ve laid eyes upon.
You really can’t go wrong here, unless you miss out! Once these Limited Production smokes are gone, they may never return.
Please browse our selection of La Flor Dominicana Limited Edition cigars at your leisure (but keep in mind that they won’t be around forever).
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