Smoking limited Edition Cigars is one of the most fun ways to experience the world’s best cigar brands. While mainstays and core lines are the foundation of the cigar industry, short runs of special blends to celebrate rare occasions are the spice and variety of the cigar world. Often, limited edition cigars contain the highest quality tobacco grown on a particular company’s farms, and extra care is taken to ensure that construction and appearance are as perfect as can be.
If you know someone who is a fan of a particular brand, getting limited edition cigars can help you share premium blends from that company that the smoker would never splurge on themselves. This could be any top-ranked cigar maker, like Oliva, Camacho, Plasencia, and Arturo Fuente. You can also find cigars made in countries known for high-quality tobacco and cigars, like Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic, and Honduras. There are really no limitations on where limited edition cigars can come from or who makes them – the only defining quality is that they’re a special blend made in a short production run as opposed to an annual blend that we’re expecting to see stock of indefinitely.
Some brands are known for putting out lots of limited edition cigars as a business model. These are the boutique blenders, like Crowned Heads and RoMa Craft. They keep open minds when it comes to what blends they’re going to share with the market. If they come across something good that meets their high standards, they just might do a run of rolls and see how it does out there in the real world.
One of the most common things you’ll see with limited edition cigars is a celebration of a milestone. Companies that have been around for generations or even a mere decade will often blend up a special cigar to mark the occasion. It could be the anniversary of the company’s founding, like the H. Upmann 175th Anniversary or the Padron Family Reserve (which became a regular production cigar). Or it could be a blend’s birthday, like the Perdomo Reserve 10th Anniversary. Or it could mark the age of a company founder, like the Don Carlos Personal Reserve, which was made for Don Carlos Fuente Sr.'s 80th birthday.
Whatever the reason, wherever it was made, these are special blends that the companies put extra thought and care into, and that just might have their best tobacco. Save these for smoking occasions when you need something that transcends the ordinary.
Please browse our selection of limited edition cigars at your leisure.