The Montecristo Nicaragua might sound like something that has been made for ages, but it’s not. Instead, this iconic brand is proving that you CAN teach an incredibly old dog new tricks.
Montecristo is a famous Cuban cigar brand, but the non-Cuban version of the company that we carry is arguably right there contending with stogies that are every bit as good. And that’s saying a lot. The ratings, however, don’t lie, and the Montecristo Nicaragua is another demonstration of just how good Montecristo is at making cigars.
To put this one together, the company dialed up a collaboration between its own head of product capability, Rafael Nodal, and the Nicaraguan tobacco master, A.J. Fernandez. This was a promising combination because the two have worked together before and the result was a smash hit: the #1 Cigar of the Year of 2019, Aging Room’s Quattro Nicaragua.
The Montecristo Nicaragua is a puro, made only with tobacco from Nicaragua. The leaves chosen are truly reminiscent of another outstanding premium cigar brand: Padrón. Cigar Aficionado described this blend by saying, “The balance of this cigar is undeniable, medium to full in body, resonating with the fine qualities of chocolate-covered espresso beans, rich woods, and dried fruit.” Doesn’t that remind you of that chocolate, raisin, and coffee combo that has made Padrón such a household name with lovers of luxury tobacco?
An incredibly delicious blend. Not your grandpa’s Montecristo!
Please browse our selection of Montecristo Nicaraguas at your leisure.