Oscar Valladares Raw Dog cigars are in the running for Most Risqué Cigar Name. They’re not the clear winner, but they’re a strong contender.
They carry the proud Oscar Valladares tradition of feeling free regarding how cigars are rolled and packaged. The company has never been beholden to tradition on that particular factor. The prime example is the famous Leaf by Oscar series wrapped in tobacco leaf instead of cellophane. When nature provides a solution, humanity doesn’t have to invent one, right? It would be like putting a banana into a baggie.
Oscar Valladares Raw Dog cigars are Honduran puros made entirely with tobacco from that region. They celebrate the leaf-like few other stogies ever have, especially given that there’s no wrapper leaf.
No, really. This is a different type of cigar from anything else in your humidor. We’re going au naturale this time, riding out of the factory naked and showing no shame about what typically goes on underneath the cover leaf. The long-filler blend is grown in Jamastrán and Copán. This tobacco is bunched and bundled and then bound with more Copán-grown leaf. The final product thus looks rough and rowdy, straight from the field. When you lay eyes on it, you’ll know why genteel folks used a clean and smooth wrapper leaf meticulously prepared and rolled around the whole thing. It creates a much more proper look.
But Oscar Valladares Raw Dog cigars aren’t about being proper, are they?
This smoke is for people who don’t want things clean and tidy and don’t wish to protect with pleasure. This one is for people who want to take things as they come, the natural way, with nothing in between. The flavor is all Honduran – woody, peppery, and without all the delicate balance many blenders seek. This one goes hard and is just what the doctor ordered for the type of smokers who’re into that sort of thing.
Please browse our selection of Oscar Valladares Raw Dog cigars at your leisure.