There's something about Rocky Patel cigars that make us think of classic cigar bars, business deals brokered over stogies and leather chairs, and contemplative moments at home after a long day. In short, they're classy cigars with a bit of an edge.
No surprise, then, that Rocky Patel Maduro Cigars are enormously popular. The dark wrappers of Rocky Patel Maduro cigars just go with the frequently box-pressed Vitolas and simple bands not to mention the down-to-earth, honest flavors.
It's also no surprise that there are a ton of different options when it comes to Rocky Patel Maduro cigars. So we thought we'd put together a list of a few of our favorite Rocky Patel Maduro cigars:
Rocky Patel Dark Dominican
The Rocky Patel Dark Dominican is a brilliantly mild Maduro. Just because spice and power are the trends these days doesn't mean that Rocky Patel Maduro cigars have to be: he's got a stick for every palate. Despite his usual taste for Honduran and Nicaraguan tobaccos, the Dark Dominican features all-Dominican long-fillers and binders with a Connecticut broadleaf wrapper. And it has a lot going on: black and red pepper, caramel, hickory wood, cedar, pretzel buns, and sweet cocoa powder that becomes deliciously creamy about halfway through. One of the most underappreciated Rocky Patel Maduro cigars and one that belongs in every humidor.
Named after the classic Maduro wrapper, the Vintage 2006 San Andreas is a medium-full blend of sweet chocolate and rich spice. The wrapper has been aged for over a decade, becoming immensely creamy and sweet. But it's paired with a broadleaf binder that brings the heat with black pepper and zesty leather. Nicaraguan long-fillers add an earthy body to the whole thing for a very satisfying and complex smoke. It's not one of the best known RP stick but it is still one of the best Rocky Patel Maduro cigars around.
Rocky Patel Hamlet Tabaquero
Cuban master blender Hamlet Paredes has found an American home with Rocky Patel and the Hamlet line, which is making him a household name for smokers. The Tabaquero is another of Rocky Patel Maduro cigars and features another San Andreas wrapper, double Brazilian and Mexican binders, and rich Nicaraguan long-fillers. Rich leather, molasses, dark chocolate, moldering hay, and lingering sweetness make this a truly unusual smoke. It's not one of the traditional Rocky Patel Maduro cigars but it is all the better for it.
Please browse our collection of Rocky Patel Maduro Cigars at your leisure.