The cigar life is a lot more than just smoking glorious cigars morning, noon, and night (and late-night, predawn, and early morning again). It’s a full-on lifestyle, and we’ve got the cigar T-shirts to back it up.
Cigars and style are a match made in heaven. In fact, it’s hard to imagine what cigars would be without the imagery. Castro kicking back and laughing with a cigar… Churchill deep in thought with a long cigar in hand… Schwarzenegger with a sturdy cigar clamped between his teeth… guys in suits surrounded by cigar smoke… dudes on motorcycles enjoying a spicy draw… fishing with cigars… celebrating over cigars… births, weddings, promotions. Your Image really does mean a lot and cigars go hand in hand with a particular look.
To promote the cigar life, we’ve now got a section of cigar T-shirts for sale. At the time of this writing, our inventory of cigar T-shirts are limited to a few select brands, but that could all change as time goes on and we respond to our customers’ needs. It mostly depends on what you guys are into. If you’re hot for cigar T-shirts, we can consider stocking your favorite brands, but we’re here to respond to what you want. As far as we know, you guys want us focused on getting lots and lots of really good cigars in stock and mailing them out to you ASAP, so that’s what we keep busy with most days.
We’re also wondering what kind of cigar T-shirts are out there. Do you want to see cigar brands that you’d find in your humidor or more lifestyle brands like Cigar Pxrn or the type of stuff you’d get from Drew Estate’s Subculture Studios? We’ll keep an eye on what’s new in the world of T-shirts of cigars and see what pops up. Send us pics if you find anything awesome out there.
We could get our scientists working on ash-repellent T-shirts. That would probably be a hit. We’ve seen people trying to get photo-worthy lengths of ash going at the end of each cigar, but those attempts often turn tragic. At some point, that long daddy of ash is going to fall, and either your shirt or pants are probably going to pay the price (or Lord forbid, your drink. We love a good smoky whiskey, but swirling in some ash is going a little too far, even for cigar nuts like us).
Browse our selection of cigar T-shirts, put them on, and you won’t get asked to leave the convenience store for a change. Happy smoking!