The top cigar brands are all here! Our shelves are overflowing with Cigar of the Year winners, 90+ point smokes, and the richest tobacco on planet earth. Master blenders have rolled up the nicest stogies money can buy and now we’re ready to ship to you.
We’re spoiled, and you should be too – at least a little bit.
The top cigar brands are a select group of cigar companies known for reliably excellent cigars. These companies knock it out of the park all the time, always upholding high standards at every phase of the cigar-making process. From painstaking seed and varietal selection to careful curing and aging to tasteful blending, these cigar makers are obsessed with making great smokes.
The proof is in the smoking!
Among our group of top cigar brands, you’ll find world-class generational powerhouses like Arturo Fuente, Padrón, Oliva, Romeo y Julieta, Davidoff, and others who’ve been in the cigar game forever. There are also high-scoring brands launched in recent decades that have established reputations for producing premium cigars with exquisite flavors. These companies include My Father, Aging Room, Ashton, Drew Estate, Rocky Patel, and Alec Bradley. With brands like these, the real challenge is finding a smoke that isn’t great.
Want to know more about the top cigar brands? Here’s a quick overview:
Arturo Fuente – creators of the always-sold-out OpusX and Cigar of the Year winning Don Carlos Eye of the Shark blends, Fuente is among the very best Dominican cigar companies.
Padrón – one of the most reliable cigar companies in the world, Padrón makes outstanding Nicaraguan blends with the signature satisfying flavors of cocoa and coffee. The 1926 and 1964 blends are must-smokes.
Oliva – they’ve been growing tobacco for several generations, and have forgotten more about raising the mighty leaf than others will ever know. Their recent efforts to blend up their own in-house cigars have led to the Serie O and Serie V landing on Cigar Aficionado’s top cigar brands list time and time again. Oliva means high-quality Nicaraguan-led smoke, every time.
Romeo y Julieta – almost everyone has heard of Romeo y Julieta cigars. These are a classic and you really can’t go wrong, here. For many older smokers, this will always be a go-to brand.
Davidoff and
Ashton – both brands are known for classy and high-quality cigars, especially mild and smooth Connecticut's. Sophisticates usually find a home with these companies.
Drew Estate – the graffiti-splashed home for new wave cigar blending. Always interesting, constantly innovating, and making delicious smoke without limitations. ACID flavor infused cigars are worth a try, Liga Privada and Unico series blends are the creams of the crop, and Herrera Estelí is routinely blended to impress.
Rocky Patel – endless variety and outstanding quality. The man named Rakesh “Rocky” Patel has a blend for everyone, but it’s the highly-rated cigars that make RP one of the top cigar brands.
Alec Bradley – fine blends from a Chicago-based cigar company. When something new comes out, we definitely want a puff of it.
My Father – as good as it gets. José “Don Pepin” Garcia blends up Nicaraguan Cigar of the Year winners that taste too good to waste a single draw. He’s also in charge of La Aroma de Cuba, another of our top cigar brands.
If you want a smoke and you don’t have time to waste on cigars that are just “meh,” stick to these companies. They do it better than anyone else. These are the cigars that get most people hooked on the cigar habit.
Please browse our selection of top cigar brands at your leisure.