In 2013, the iconic Davidoff brand unveiled its first Black Band cigar, the landmark Davidoff Nicaragua. Now, a decade later, it celebrates this momentous occasion with a limited-edition Gran Toro-sized cigar.
Innovatively crafted, this highly-anticipated release combines 45 years of diverse tobacco aging with a special 9-year-old Esteli tobacco, which was aged in aged rum casks for added complexity.
Exploring a unique flavor journey, smokers should expect roasted nut notes, oaky nuances, and an intense black coffee finish. Delivering the perfect balance of strength and smoothness, this cigar ensures an extraordinary sensory pleasure that lingers after the last savored puff.
This Davidoff Nicaragua 10th Anniversary L.E. Gran Toro cigar is made in Dominican Republic. Outside, you'll find an Ecuadorian wrapper. Inside, the binder is Nicaraguan, and the filler is Nicaraguan - Esteli Seco Cask Aged (Rum) / Esteli Semilla B Visus / Esteli Semilla A Ligero / Jalapa Visus / Condega Seco. This is a Gran Toro cigar with a length of 6.000 and a ring gauge of 56.
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