This Padron 1964 Anniversary Exclusivo Maduro cigar is made in Nicaragua. Outside, you'll find a Nicaraguan Maduro wrapper. Inside, the binder is Nicaraguan, and the filler is Nicaraguan. This is a Robusto cigar with a length of 5.50 and a ring gauge of 50.
Time and time again, the Padron 1964 Anniversary has appeared towards the top of Cigar Aficionado's Top 25 Cigars list, along with other renowned Padron sticks. It's safe to say that this company is at the apex of consistency and elite quality.
But why? Is it just a famous brand?
In this case, the ratings come from blind taste tests, meaning the 1964 Anniversary routinely earns its top rating purely on the strength of its impeccable construction, and its complex, multifaceted flavors - the signature Padron chocolate note, along with hazelnuts, wood, toast, and dark fruit on the finish.
And what a finish it is! Nearly every smoker notes that the 1964 leaves an enjoyable lingering flavor that carries you from pull to pull.
The Padron 1964 Anniversary cigar was created to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the company in 1994, and it's a company with a history as rich as its smokes. Jose Orlando Padron was a Cuban immigrant who started his cigar company in Miami with $600 in savings from his job as a carpenter. Eventually, he discovered high-quality Nicaraguan tobacco and moved operations to Esteli, Nicaragua. A revolution, a factory fire, and a blockade later, the Padron family can still be found in Nicaragua, producing some of the world's very best smokes.
There's only one way to celebrate the founding of a company like that by lighting up a Padron 1964 Anniversary!
Time and time again, the Padron 1964 Anniversary has appeared towards the top of Cigar Aficionado's Top 25 Cigars list, along with other renowned Padron sticks. It's safe to say that this company is at the apex of consistency and elite quality.
But why? Is it just a famous brand?
In this case, the ratings come from blind taste tests, meaning the 1964 Anniversary routinely earns its top rating purely on the strength of its impeccable construction, and its complex, multifaceted flavors - the signature Padron chocolate note, along with hazelnuts, wood, toast, and dark fruit on the finish.
And what a finish it is! Nearly every smoker notes that the 1964 leaves an enjoyable lingering flavor that carries you from pull to pull.
The Padron 1964 Anniversary cigar was created to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the company in 1994, and it's a company with a history as rich as its smokes. Jose Orlando Padron was a Cuban immigrant who started his cigar company in Miami with $600 in savings from his job as a carpenter. Eventually, he discovered high-quality Nicaraguan tobacco and moved operations to Esteli, Nicaragua. A revolution, a factory fire, and a blockade later, the Padron family can still be found in Nicaragua, producing some of the world's very best smokes.
There's only one way to celebrate the founding of a company like that by lighting up a Padron 1964 Anniversary!
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Stephen I.
United States
Carmelo D.
United States
Great cigar
This is one of my favorite cigars to smoke. Highly recommend .
Mike S.
United States
Padron 2000 maduro
Great!!! Cigars were perfect, Service was outstanding
Robert C.
United States
Top notch
Quick delivery and we’ll packed in zip envelopes with humidifier packs, bravo!
Steven I.
United States
My favorite smoke
Pardon never disappoints, always a smooth, mellow stick, and Cigars Direct is the best too.
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