This Room 101 10Th Anniversary Toro cigar is made in Nicaragua. Outside, you'll find a Nicaraguan Colorado wrapper. Inside, the binder is Proprietary Blend, and the filler is Proprietary Blend. This is a Toro cigar with a length of 6.00 and a ring gauge of 52.
Is there some unspoken requirement that any cigar company to survive 10 years in this competitive industry must release an anniversary cigar to commemorate the milestone? Probably not, but we think there should be. To understand why all you need to do is taste the made-in Estelí Room 101 10Th Anniversary cigar.
Room 101 10Th Anniversary cigars were created to mark the 10-year milestone and thank the brand's friends, family, and fans that made its success possible. On their website, Room 101 explains how they earned their stripes in the industry over the first ten years and how they are working to earn several more moving forward.
A Nicaraguan Rosado wrapper covers an undisclosed filler blend in the Room 101 10Th Anniversary cigars. The Rosado wrapper, also known as the Colorado Claro, is named for its rose color. These wrappers use to be quite rare outside of Cuba. Prized for its flavor, the leaf is difficult to grow outside of Cuba and is often used in limited editions. Surely knowing the difficulty this wrapper presents, Room 101 was smart to have the cigars produced at A.J. Fernandez's factory in Estelí, Nicaragua.
Expect notes of white pepper, cumin, cereal, and caramel from this cigar. Light one up and congratulate Room 101 on an excellent first 10 while looking forward to the good smoke to come in the decades ahead.
Please browse our selection of Room 101 10Th Anniversary cigars at your leisure.
- What are the flavors like? White pepper, cumin, cereal, caramel.
- What’s the strength level? Medium-full.
- Who is this cigar for? People who want a crack at a Nicaraguan Rosado wrapper developed under the watchful eye of A.J. Fernandez.
- Will I want to smoke it to the nub? Absolutely. It’s a great smoke with interesting flavors you’ll want to explore until the end.
- What’s a good pairing with it? Balvenie 12 Year Double Wood Single Malt Scotch. There’s enough sweetness in this aged scotch to further balance the robust side of the Room 101 10Th Anniversary cigar and a bit of spice to aid in the effort.
- What’s the best time/place to smoke this cigar? Sit down with this scotch or your favorite drink and go to work on the cigar. What time and place is best for you?
- Any flaws/downsides? None.
- Reviews
- Questions
Room101 10th Anniversary
This was probably the last box of them and I have 2 Boxes in my aging humidor THANKS CIGAR DIRECT
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