5 Vegas cigars, or "Cinco Vegas," are primarily made by the Plasencia family in Honduras, though the blends feature not only quality Honduran tobaccos but those of Nicaragua, Ecuador, and even Costa Rica. The brand was founded by the late cigar industry legend Henry "Kiki" Berger and a handful of friends. Kiki was known for his big personality and was loved by all he met.
The Berger family certainly experienced their share of hardships. Kiki's father, Max Berger, fled Poland to escape Hilter's troops and ended up in Cuba. He would eventually own several cigar factories and farms and was known as an established cigar maker. Though, as often happens with these multi-generational cigar families, adversity struck again. He fled Castro's communists and ultimately ended up in the States along with his family, including a young Kiki, who absorbed many cigar-making lessons from his father. In Miami, alongside his father, Kiki would roll cigars in their garage, and his mother would package them.
Before Kiki’s father died during the cigar boom of the 1990s, he encouraged Kiki to head to Nicaragua to find good tobacco (at the time, due to the cigar boom, prices were high, and manufacturers struggled to find quality tobacco). During this time Kiki and a group of friends started World Cigars, and Kiki began producing 5 Vegas cigars in Nicaragua.
Eventually, the widely respected and celebrated Plasencia family would become the guardians and producers of 5 Vegas cigars.
Among the most well-known 5 Vegas cigar blends are the 90-rated 5 Vegas Classic, which features Nicaraguan Habano and Dominican long-fillers. This is the blend that started it all for the brand. Another is the 5 Vegas Series A, which showcases an Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper that helps show the milder side of 5 Vegas.
Five Vegas cigars are high-quality at a fair price, so you’ll have some extra coin for the blackjack table.