Tatuaje Robusto cigars are made in the most popular size in the world. There’s no cigar size that sells more than Robustos, and so Tatuaje knows to roll up tons of them with lush Nicaraguan tobacco to satisfy demand. Across various Tatuaje cigar lines, you’ll almost always find Robustos, if that’s what you’re looking for.
A Tatuaje Robusto cigar is generally about 5 to 6 inches long and has a ring gauge of around 50. Of course, in the cigar industry, there’s no obsession with standards and definitions, and so each cigar maker is free to find the dimensions that work for the kind of tobacco they’re using and the company’s individualized blending approach for a Robusto. The real goal, naturally, is to create the smoking experience that the company is looking to deliver, so Tatuaje Robustos may vary from the above size guidelines somewhat. This could mean that they’re shorter or longer, or thinner or fatter.
It all depends on what kind of cigar Tatuaje is going for.
Tatuaje Robusto cigars can often be smoked in under an hour, although some smokers go quite slowly while others suck their Robusto stogies down like fiends. Those are the smokers that often have to go for bigger cigars that can deliver the experience they want.
There’s also the amount of time you have to smoke to consider. We don’t always have as long as we would like to enjoy our cigars, and so there’s a size for every occasion – from short breaks to long, relaxing sessions on Sunday afternoons. If you need an hour or more of smoking, you’re probably looking for a toro Gordo or something like that with enough tobacco to really send you on your way with no return ticket. The Tatuaje Robustos, on the other hand, are for more abbreviated smoke sessions. Just a simple 30 or 40 minutes of puffing on Nicaraguan tobacco and you’re back to your normally scheduled programming.
Tatuaje Fausto, Caballero, Havana VI, Cabaiguan, Triunfador… they’re packed with high-quality Nicaraguan tobacco and they’re all available in the size you want. All you need to do is take your pick.
Please browse our selection of Tatuaje Robusto Cigars at your leisure.