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If you’re passionate about cigars, whether for personal enjoyment or gifting, mastering the art of cigar reviews can enhance your experience and help others discover great smokes. At Cigars Direct,...
Road trips are a truly American experience: hitting the highway with the company of some good friends or just some good tunes and letting everything else just slip away. It's...
Modern life is hectic. Thanks to smartphones and the internet, there's no getting away from work or the other demands of life. Cigars offer welcome relief from the constant overload,...
You know, you'd imagine that Super Bowl winners, even if they're not big cigar fans, would smoke an outrageously rare and fine cigar when presented with one by their billionaire...
As a cigar lover, the US embargo on Cuba 1) may be something you don't care about, 2) might be annoying, or 3) might totally infuriate you, depending on how...
Getting cheated on is a cruel hand for fate to deal you. Against all odds, someone loved you and you loved them back. You became vulnerable. You let them into...
To people who don’t like the smell of cigars, there are no weak or mild cigars—they’re all strong. But to those of us who love cigars, we know that some...
It's hard to imagine a more classic cigar smoking opportunity than fishing. You, the water, a cooler (or maybe two—one for the fish, one for the brews), maybe a buddy......
Spring is coming and we're looking forward to a big change in our smoking life: Instead of smoking inside and looking out at the snow, we'll be smoking indoors and...