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If you’re passionate about cigars, whether for personal enjoyment or gifting, mastering the art of cigar reviews can enhance your experience and help others discover great smokes. At Cigars Direct,...
Some like ‘em hot and spicy while others prefer a sweet, mellow cigar. If you look for notes of coffee with sugar, caramel, nougat, cocoa, chocolate, dried fruit, vanilla, cinnamon,...
Some guys aren’t happy with their stogie unless it’s given them a spicy tingle. They scan cigar reviews looking for phrases like “copious amounts of black pepper” or “puts a...
While it is true that these cigars have only been out a couple of years, it still bears mentioning that every significant L’Atelier cigar review has rated them at least...
Sun grown, sometimes written as one word, cigars get the name due to their wrappers – sun-grown, of course. The high-priming, plant-ripened leaves are thick, oily and full of flavor...
Joel, Anthony, Kevin and I were sitting in the back of Joel's 1985 El Camino. It had been a long three days, heck it had been a long year and...
The harvesting of tobacco for cigars is a difficult process and the proper time to begin harvesting depends upon a number of different factors. One aspect of harvesting tobacco plants...
Congress, when the country is in debt, has never hesitated to tax that which is popular. Think of the high taxes today on gasoline, alcohol and tobacco products. The Civil...
Few dispute that cigars made with tobacco originating in Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic, Honduras, and a few other locations can now compete on equal footing with Cuban cigars in terms...