Cigar Aficionado
When you buy a bundle of cigars, you get all the great smokes without the trappings. There’s no box, typically, or at least not a fancy one. Some bundles don’t...
If you prefer strong cigars, those with lots of spicy flavors, then here are five full-flavored cigars that are absolutely can’t miss choices. 1. Alec Bradley Prensado: The Churchill was...
Here’s the next installment of our “The Story Behind” series. Today, we discuss raising Cain and smoking it too! As the name implies, Cain cigars were designed to raise a...
A mild cigar is one that is flavorful but not overpowering. The taste will be smooth, and you’ll enjoy a range of flavors from earthy things like hay and nuts...
There comes a time for some cigar companies when reducing the number of lines leads to a better lineup overall. It’s the addition of quality and consistency by the subtraction...
There’s a sweet spot between cigars that are bland and those that blow you away in a bad way. They’re called medium cigars, and there are some fantastic offerings on...
Looking for a fantastic list of cheap sticks for stocking your humidor? Here are six to get you started. 1. Padrón 2000 Maduro Cigars This is a 5x50 cigar with...
Dear Cigarsdirect, I got your package in the mail today. You guys are awesome! Thanks so much for your support and your extremely generous donation of Cigars and humidor. My...
My foray into the world of cigars was due to my uncle. At age 5 I was the great imitator and would copy and mimic anyone and I was a...