Macanudo cigars were originally an offshoot of the Punch brand but soon gained their own following. Their first place of origin was in Jamaica under the General Cigar umbrella. Conditions were not especially favorable there, so operations were relocated to the Dominican Republic where they are still made today.
Dominican filler tobaccos lie at the center of a Macanudo, enveloped in a silky and mild Connecticut shadeleaf wrapper. Perhaps the magic that lies within the Macanudo is the special qualities of its binder, a special leaf only grown in the San Andres Tuxtla Valley of Mexico. While the cigar remains very much a classic, the wrapper underwent some fine-tuning in 1999.
Macanudo cigars are fine mild-mannered and mellow, declining to linger on the palate for very long. This is a straightforward cigar lacking a lot of complexity. While some may see this as a deficiency, this very quality makes the Macanudo a perfect cigar for those just becoming acquainted with this part of the good life. Smooth, with just enough richness and depth to keep you interested, this is one that should be in your humidor if it’s not there already. You’re guaranteed to become bored with a Macanudo. While it is regarded as a classic, it is constantly evolving in order to satisfy modern-day tastes.