Punch cigars have been a mainstay among cigar connoisseurs since their inception back in 1840. Their name comes from the Punch and Judy puppet shows performed on the streets of England at the time for the enjoyment of children and adults alike. Manuel Lopez adopted the name for his new line of cigars in hopes of increasing sales. His strategy worked.
Later, manufacture of Punch cigars was moved to Honduras. They were first made available to the United States in 1969. Over the past 40 years Punch has become synonymous with rich, deep flavor and remarkable quality.
A Punch cigar is the epitome of what a cigar should be according to the brand’s devotees. Very flavorful and full-bodied, it is not a smoke for the neophyte or the faint of palate. The Ecuadorian-grown Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper surrounds an elegant blend of Dominican, Honduran, and Nicaraguan fillers.
The Maduro and double Maduro versions are among the more complex cigars you’ll encounter. Combined with the famous Punch blended fillers, there is simply nothing else like it. The characteristic smoothness and depth of Maduro leaves blends almost magically with the fillers to create incredible richness.
There’s more. ThePunch Gran Purois a tour de force of the tobacconist’s craft, utilizing the amazing qualities of Honduran fillers, wrappers, and binders. There is also aPunch Rare Corojowith its Dominican, Honduran, and Nicaraguan long fillers complemented perfectly by a deep-red Corojo wrapper delivers a sumptuous blend of pepper and toasted nuts, rich without being overpowering.